"Ravanasura: A Disappointing Thriller Filled with Illogical Plot Twists"
"Ravanasura: A Disappointing Thriller Filled with Illogical Plot Twists" story Ravanasura is a film that promises to be an all-encompassing entertainer, with director Sudheer Varma aiming to seamlessly blend elements of commercial drama, thriller, and more. However, the end result falls short of expectations, with the film feeling disjointed and lacking in coherence. Varma's decision to focus on unnecessary details while rushing through crucial plot points contributes to the movie's overall lack of cohesion. Despite these shortcomings, the film is buoyed by the presence of Ravi Teja, who delivers a standout performance in the lead role. review Sudheer Varma's "Ravanasura" fails to impress as an engaging thriller, despite being an adaptation of the Bengali film "Vinci Da", credited to Srikanth Vissa. The story's premise has been altered significantly, and the plot has been burdened with an illogical conflict. The director's attempt ...